Saturday, November 23, 2019
a guide to releasing fear, by Amber Stone
Belief and trust within
having fun being yourself
building the courage to overcome fear
Reasons why fear isn't a sustainable motivator
channeling anger
how to fight in a world full of hate? Love yourself.
it is 7:45 and i just remembered
again after losing my memory since I woke up this morning.
I was crying because i was afraid that I was not able to talk to donald ever again after publishing my letter
I was afraid at different points throughout the afternoon because I saw my roommate's true self, hes a vrill host
I had a lot of difficulty matching that realisation to what I was used to
when I knew I was losing my memory was when I kept getting up to distract myself from things I loved doing, I was trying to set up to paint but I couldn't because I was afraid of my roommate after seeing it, the vrill inside of him is controlling him, hes not even human, the soul isnt there
This morning I woke up and I could remember some things but not all, which made it harder to be able to understand what tasks I had planned from the day before. The entire day was mostly, aside from playing music, it was mostly about focusing on not forgetting after learning the full Golden Truth. I was easily dissuaded from confidence and at each direction it seemed like everything wanted me to not be myself. Fear makes you lose control over your actions, thoughts, and it even can drive people apart because of simply a way of feeling based on fear itself. It hurt more than anything to see myself succumb to it, no matter how much I tried there would be thoughts that were negative pulling me down. I kept telling myself what good I did do by publishing the truth about my life which is evidence to R.E.M. Cloning. I just couldn't believe it.
There's a tricky thing about fear, it drives you. What else sounds like drive? A memory drive to a computer. The brain works a lot like one, but fundamentally, there's a reason why words, numbers, and thoughts all correlate.
The body works double time when It's given a task. The brain powers and directs the body, but the directing "power" is the heart. To coordinate a time and placement for the heart to begin powering up the direction, it takes an influence.
Every influence in our lives not only reminds us who we are, but it also finds us as separate people.
There's things that people just don't speak about that entails this information.
Since I was a child, these things were a ongoing thought process, I always thought everyone felt this way but that is called, "empathy". Thing is, when I saw my roommate, I felt very empathically, "drained" instead of ,"empowered". I share this information with him often and, it's like, it goes straight through him. I even considered at the time of not remembering, "what if, there's something not right here."
there was a point in the day, he was not even paying attention to me and, when I had a negative emotion
he responded, but, when I"m happy, he seemed agitated.
don't humans say positivity spreads like wildfire isn't that meaning all humans are empathic?
Is used against people due to convenience.
The one of many things MK tech can do is manipulate one's empathy and show them a near real experience.
They do this to many people around the world.
They conform to a stipulation to fear on a day to day basis, let's not forget to add, they consider the odds on such an extreme that it places them in the dangerous situations by creating the thought alone. Thoughts create things. This is how MK works. In 2006, I learned how to control my dreams when they got to scary, by thinking about the fact I was still asleep. Over time, it began to be easier to control, much like a habit that can be repeated and worked on. This worked the muscle memory in my brain to be able to control R.E.M. stage sleep. I learned how to control my surroundings and then went towards picturing people in front of me and they would appear. I'd be able to walk random streets and even grocery stores, thinking it was called lucid dreaming.
I tried to study dreams back when I was a kid, and couldn't find much. The internet always seemed to have it in question. After understanding the information regarding mindvoice mk ultra technology through Donald Marshall's original letter, it was no longer a confusion to me.
I was basically at R.E.M. Cloning a good portion of my life throughout the night, by just thinking it, they all there, saw that. It's uncomfortable to think that people potentially are watching you but then to put 2 and 2 together, It's definite.
Each time I remember more about my dreams, they weren't really dreams. There's been times when I had seen horrible things and not just witnessing them but partaking in crude acts and pervious behavior. When you are a child, and told "you can do whatever you want" and then also, "this is good for you" and the commonly stated "This will someday be a commonplace thing between adult and children." but at the same time, they are force feeding you feces, and made to have sex with old people and dogs and animals in front of everyone, caged up or tied up, repeatedly stabbed, found dead people lying on the ground.
This happens to many children, and many won't say this happens to them because they were told it would be something that is the normal. Teacher's in schools even have been found to be pedohilic, and many institutions won't do something about this problem. It's a worldwide problem that if not accessed, leaves a large portion of the world is in jeopardy of allowing this behavior while also containing the world's largest circumstance that humanity won't talk about, an infection of Vrill.
being chased by vrill, eaten by them too at R.E.M. cloning.
hosted parasitic vrill have beaten me, drugged me, I've been raped over and over by one when I was kidnapped for
3 years, and was manipulated to think my own family couldn't take care of me (my mother had a house, we had
food in the refrigerator, it seemed like everything was fine) he didn't want me to even see them.
I was threatened with weapons, chased after, and everytime I had the police involved they told me I had to stand up for
myself or that they would stop responding. They act like criminals, because they are. They are the bad people in this world.
They are the ones mutilating people for games and making video tapes about them, and what do you think they do exactly at the Cloning Center? Exactly that.
All the celebrities had to watch these tapes and at the R.E.M. Cloning Center watch themselves and
others be brutally murdered by Vrill, hosts alongside with them.
Hosts are not human. They are a parasitic form of Vrill. They transfer their spinal fluid into the person's eye. It is a transcellular biological fusion between two organisms, one dependent onto another on a human being. This happens when the person's eye is exposed to the spinal fluid. The cells wrap around the eye and find its way into the humans brain. It entangles it's way into the brainstem of the person and it begins the cellular fusion.
There are many of them around the world. They look just like regular people, However, Their behavior can be noticeably different when you are being a positive and an empathic person. When someone's being positive, the difference shows between two people. One can be noticeably positive
when the other is affected by it and reacts in a negative way. I've seen this with a lot of people, they either are interested by the positive atmosphere or they just get annoyed.
- "place you can do anything you want and get away with it"
- seeing people there, a lot of people, and the majority of the time I was a kid there were large groups of us together
- Metal doors and stairways that led to different levels, it was like a sports stadium/base underground. There's different cloning
centers too.
- I was helping kids run with me away from danger
- There were underground tunnels that led to these rooms
- Mutated people in cages and also on the ground outside of them
- I've been shot at and attacked there
- A lot of older people having sex with me on such a basis that it caused me sexual dysfunction and anxiety problems
permanently that I still have to manage
- When I was 1-2 years old I used to have to drink urine there.
- I would vomit from being so dizzy and people would just watch
- When I was 4 years old they would force Donald Marshall under threat of torture to rape me there while they watch.
- When I was 5 years I would have to have sex with vrill a lot of the time, not the hosts, the actual Vrill
- I was raped and mutilated so badly, I had to hold together my genitals just to walk.
They don't allow people to talk about these things because it keeps the fear based system together. It's all a working agenda to keep the mass populations controlled. This is the one thing they won't talk about because it's not all over the news, it's not in common articles found online. These are the deepest secrets about the Illuminati that they won't tell you about. When they bring me there, I get a feeling that I'm about to enter R.E.M. sleeping. I start to see people around me telling me
its the "4th dimension", or "lucid dreaming". I've been told I met my "great grandfather" and I didn't know where the voice was coming from. From that point on I knew there was more to dreams.
When I got older, I could tell the difference between there and regular common dreaming. It was a lot more difficult to walk around. This began to make sense to me because of the information Donald was saying about how they drug people there at R.E.M. Cloning. I've seen it happen a bunch of times where people are slouched against the wall or crawling on the ground. It's been so long since I had a normal dream. When I'm about to wake up it feel like I was "jolted" awake. There has been so many people that have been waking up in sweat and tears and not knowing why. These things that are happening to me must apparent to other people in some point of their lives. This can be so hard to talk about because it degrades you personally. I want to find people with a common goal to find the truth about their dreams mean something more. I want to know if there are ones like me who were hurt by others or found themselves in a situation they couldn't talk about to other people.
The things that happened to me at R.E.M. Cloning Centers made me unlike myself in ways I couldn't even look in the mirror. Being a witness to something so worldly unknown and to things that damage a person really badly, made me feel hopeless. When Donald's letter came out and I found it the year after there was a self reflection period where I had nothing but thoughts on how I was relevant to it. When I started helping by posting and sharing the info, I saw how I had actually misread the info and couldn't remember the pain and torture I had went through myself. THAT pain, ontop of all the things they've done is almost unmatched. I was left memory repressed after every night. And I had realised that too. It would make me so frustrated and depressed I stopped eating. I didn't take care of myself. I began to laugh through the pain and hide my smile all the time. I couldn't understand why I let men abuse me, as if to think it was my fault for what I couldn't even remember was happening on an almost every night basis since I was born. There's an altitude of disgust I had in the morning once I did remember, but it was gone by the time I was trying to do things.
The pain of forgetting is one thing, but the pain of realising it's a majority amount of people in this world that get activated there is unthinkable.
Nephilim were doing a ritual on me. "The Ritual of Amber". The ritual consisted of me getting tied up and burned at the fingertips. This happened so many times. They raped me, hung me by my throat, and then killed. This is how I know about ritualistic abuse. They wanted me memory repressed so I wouldn't freak out and have an aneurysm. How is this possible that people can't even remember a thing such as a dream but also a memory of something that bad, and still be a good person.
retrieval of memory :
These are the things that helped me remember.
writing notes documenting them and following up after each time waking up the first 5 minutes of being awake can hold
onto a small amount of memory
finding things through the day that create mental markers so that when I was in a dream I could know the difference
between being asleep and being awake
talking to people who had their own experiences who were similar to mine
finding both the difference of how lucid dreaming feels like and a real experience
piercings and birth marks on body helped me know I was in another body when I would wake up there, I had none.
my hair was different there as well.
my memory was logged into the back on my brain and I could almost feel it there but I wasn't able to get it back until it
was "triggered" by music, art or graphics of the sort
I found Donald Marshall's information, and it instantly came back to me. I knew it had to be somewhere, this information,
and I heard it through his music.
I started hearing Donald's music from around the age of 4, 1998. There were lyrics that were placed to remind me how sick that place was. When I listened to it, it hurt me. I would beg people to turn it off. Now, when I listen to it, it doesn't hurt me. It just teaches me to keep moving forward. and help spread this truth
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