Monday, November 25, 2019


  The Golden Truth is something worth fighting for, it's a drive, like a sail guiding a boat by the direction of the wind. The reason I am so positive, is because I am creating the odds that my life can be perceived as no longer scary. I can direct my emotions which direct my thinking and each new time of now I am creating the difference between being my higher self and keeping myself in a stasis of degradation.
Thing is, extremely odd and weird circumstances does not need to be formulated by a high, structured group like the Illuminati. What's missed is the key to this information has been right in front of everyone for so long. When you trust yourself, love yourself, and are able to find yourself confident in each moment of now, it's like taking the wheel by the hand if the boat lost control. You can actually direct how each day goes. The type of people who appear in life. You have the power to do this, all along, like you would in dreams, just by thinking it to be, for yourself
Even though it may not appear this way It gave me answers to many questions I had about this. Just believe, in yourself. That's what this is all about.
Sometimes it does take a threat to a species but it also takes a healing aid to remind us how to heal, what to heal, and what there needs to be done about this. So far, It seems like love, and the full belief that I did good, regardless the circumstances.
Thing is, they think this is cool: The reactions. What did the ego get me? It made me stuck, sick, It got me nowhere. Every time I try being myself while holding onto ego, I get lashback.
This lashback is from the very thing we are fighting, the entire force of negative but also a threat to this species that we share this planet with on a wide scale, this threat is called fear. This threat is called, "someone told me to be scared so I must play along with it" That is what fear does, it rules you. What loves power more than Ego Death and Greed? This entire thing was to see just how much I can learn from them, while also learning as a memory suppressed agent (That doesn't take away from the reality of this)  I needed time because I was not supposed to remember all at once. I was told it would kill me if it did. Thing is, I remembered all at once,  within a months time, over and over.....every time I got mind wiped by Elizabeth at the Cloning Center, She warns this to test people's strengths. I said to her, "Do you realise just how most of these people already know, they just don't have what it takes to say, "I believe in myself?" She liked that.

well, the tears that these people stifle are no more. I find myself without fear and placing myself more in the moment of now, for each now moment forever. This was a learning experience about self. How to manage yourself in a chaotic world, but only if you think it to be. This, Golden Truth, shows us, What we were really fighting for
What it means to be human
 in a really caught up, dark sick and controlled world.

Donald Marshall's The Golden Truth page simply means, a Hitchhiker's Guide to Living With the Truth, and not make it painful. Turn it into art, and heal from it.

The golden truth is just being yourself. No matter how much the world tries to stop you. As long as it's keeping you progressive, healthy, fair, and respectful to one another.  If the behavior cannot even meet the requirements then the source of the threat becomes known as an automatic.

 In the end, It did matter and I am thankful each day that I have experienced not just a transition, but the full end stage of the Monarch Program Project created in 1994. I am living proof that there are people used as projects, examples, and will show fir the next era where there will be an acknowledgement to people like me, who have endured so much crisis, and managed to not only fight it, but find love and be happy.

After everything I went through, life seemed to carry it's way around my attitude. When there's a motivational force such as death in front of you, it does actually physically move you in space and time without even realising it, just because you perceived it was something to be emotional about.Thoughts are emotions. Emotions scale and estimate. Actions are concrete and 180 from emotions but they work interchangeably through each given thought.
I am emo-emotional, while Donald Marshall resembles A for action
just ask the artists, they will be happy to tell you anything I reccommend.

November 25th, 2019
Donald Marshall - "Look at the way she is reaching out to him...and the way the neck of the guitar goes past the wall :)....This is us communicating, through barriers of time and space."

Amber Stone - "Knowing he was out there, still alive, still himself, still the one person I knew I would fight through war to find and return back to, I'm never letting go just to find myself again, because even through death, tears, pain of scars and the amount of time of blankly staring at a wall....through all of that, I realise, what you may be looking for, like truth, might be right in front of you the whole time."

This is what being a human looks like.
take note.

tell others.

help us save the world.


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