Who Is Donald Marshall?
"The World Needs A Hero"
Unlike any other, knowing the way to intricately display information, true, and wise, Donald Marshall only seeks that we use the information along with the corresponding evidence (Through Music, Media, Religion, Books, Games, Groups Etc.) to corroborate the information for the populace to learn from. You can be the difference between knowledge, to help save him and the many silent victims in this very silent war, across the world. It Is also within a click away, to share, freely, the truth.
"Be the difference you wish to see In the world."
Furthermore, the following content includes quotation from Donald Marshall's First Interview, Dated May 10th, 2012.
The Golden Truth Explained
The First Interview
"So I call 'em up, I said, "Do you remember that scummy place?" He goes, "Oh my god, yeah Donny! What are you gonna do?" And I was like, "Holy shit dude, you can help me. You can help me corroborate my story, and then we can have it out there." And he goes, "Dude... it will be going against my parents, but I can't abandon you to that". 'Cause I'm like his favorite uncle. So he says, "I won't abandon you to that, and I'll speak out with ya, but, It's against my own mom and dad so you better know how much I like you and stuff." he says."
"It's, it's gonna be huge..."
Born Catholic?
"Yeah baptized and all"
Do you believe In God?
"Somewhat, I believe in one God and everything, but the whole Jesus thing could've been faked though. It could
have been very easily back then."
"So anyways, Dave Mustaine from Megadeth, he comes in. They all do these weird things to you. They all come in;
they're all trying to look good for everybody else that's there. They get you on one of the side concourse-The camera in the
corner of the room- the rest of them are sitting in the theatre; a big auditorium, and they're watching it on this screen,
a big screen on wide side [indicates front side of station] and a big screen on wideside [indicates back side
of station]. Two of them, and they're all just sitting there watching. Dave mustaine's like "yeah so-.*sigh*."
He actually stood up for me. He goes, "When you send that letter out, send them a picture of that album cover, and send
them a picture of your face." And he was crying, 'cause they were trying to kill me.
and I said, "What do you care?" and he said, "I just, I don't want you to die. I think you're awesome man"
[Donald] "Yeah ok uh..-" He's done some pretty mean stuff. They get up there, and they can literally have you chained up, they
cut an incision in your nutsack, pull your nuts out, and they're hanging by cords, they put them in their hand and it burns. So much to tell you man.
When I was making that letter, took me about three days. Each one of those days they were torturing me.
I didn't do such much more stuff, and I didn't know what to include because it sounds unbelievable as it is. So, if I tell people,
"Well yeah, they were eating some of these hookers at the Pickton murders, some rich people wanted to taste human, people
are going to go: "Meh.."
Like Bohemian Grove?
"They're big into that. "
"...- It's SO enormous.
They're trying to act calm. and then they're like "Can you please just stop man? You won't be here anymore." And, I only tried that before. I held onto the letter, and I said, "I won't mail it, just for god sake don't bring me here anymore! I can't handle it, you're killing my heart." "
"They said, "We know, we don't want to finish
you off. We're going to leave you alone." Then they just brought me back again, because they don't have anything to do
out there. "
"After they all have sex and stuff, and they watch people fight...UFC guys out there and they're fighting out there
in the center ring with their pain sensors off, and it look ridiculous. They're just clubbing at each other painlessly. They're
watching people sword fight and stuff and it's gross. My sword fight career up there ended when I freaked out after I won.
Coming in on this guy and I got really good at sword fighting- They had me sword fighting little kids when I was a kid, and they
put little samurai armour on us and everything. It had to be a dark color because they put a big spotlight on you and everything.
It's an absolute nightmare."
"I got pretty good at sword fighting. I was sword fighting this guy, It was about two years ago, and I whacked a katana to this side -because I always have this katana they give me, - I whacked this katana to the side and it came down, and both of us had our pain sensors turned totally off. You can still feel a slight "Ding" when it hits the bone, but other than that, you're numb. You can watch your guts hang out and everything. It's very disturbing. So
anyway, I went down to my knees, with an overhead chop at the same time. It went down his shoulder, and down his ribs, and
It went like, "dink dink dink dink dink" through his ribs, and I felt the vibrations in the handle. and then it's just like "blah".
All this blood came out and it was purple and blue... guts come out, and I'm like, I went up like this [raises arms up]"
"Everybody was watching, and everybody's like "Yeah!!" I'm like [struggling, limps over] fell on the floor, In the dirt
In fetal position going [State Of Shock/ inaudible] .
Then they're like, "Don, what are you doing? You won!" I'm like [Inaudible shock]. They played it back to me after that, the video, because they video everything from the top of the
concourse, from the top bowl... All it's got is video camera, video camera [indicating levels up and down] everything so they watch it and replay it right when it happens."
"They show it back to me -I don't even remember falling on the
floor doing that- They said, "You look stupid." I said, "Oh yeah, 'cause you guys really want me to look cool out here, right?"
"...-Worse than sword fighting? Spear fighting. Spear fighting lasts a long time. "
"...-I have so much to tell you. "
"...-It's because he's not meant for cloning.
that's their [illuminati] main thing. It's how they communicate with secrets. "
"...-Five months -...."
" ...-That easy, they barely need anything [indicating REM Cloning]"
"...-Well, I told so many people by now, they stopped bringing people there-..."
"...-Ron Paul, seriously, he's there, and a Vrill right behind the hockey boards-..."
"They like people in the floor. They don't want me out on the internet. Plus, with my family, once they found out about this, they let me in on it when I turned 30. I almost had a heart attack. I'm just a poor white boy, ya know?"
"Right now, they are more scared than they've ever been, in like, the whole time."
"...-They are following their prophecy too."
"They've made stuff happen in the real world, and make it look like the prophecy came true. "
"Nostradamus, stuff like that. "
"...-There's some stem similarities and stuff,
they call themselves Gold ones too, and they like that. They will call themselves "Gold ones" because It's mentioned in the
bibles. The Gold ones. "
[Inaudible noises shown on video are presented to Donald during interview regarding video on The Bohemian Grove]
"Sounds like torture."
"They could've set this all up, like a bluff."
"That could've definitely been set up. They're all actors, they think that they're these great actors that hang with them [indicating Aliens, Chipheads, Hosts, Vril, and other species of gene-spliced creatures unknown at Cloning Stations], so they try to impress the other actors with other acting.
See, something like this, it's hard to believe they would go out where someone could film them. They're so secretive and all
this stuff, the most important secret stuff, they all do at the Cloning Station because it's so "for-sure" secret. This guy showed
me a thing on Youtube describing things they did at the Cloning Center, and I said, "You've got to get ahold of this guy, find out
how he knows this."
"You'll get a group of kids and there's always one kid in the crowd he's the "coolest" kid of the group, and
everybody else is rallying to him. These kids are gaining confidence from this other kid. They'll get that kid, sure, and they'll hurt him really bad, or, they'll get some kind of acid (I think its catabolic acid), and they'll turn the kids pain sensors off.
Do you think these people are real?
"...-They all have real people. No one at the cloning station is a real person though [Hence use of term Clone/Synthetic humanoid
made from genetically modified and manipulated DNA alteration through advanced technology processes]"
"Yes, and the thing is, they all try to sit in the seats [at REM Cloning], because it takes five months [To create a useable clone]"
"Seriously, that's how it works. When you don't remember your dreams no more, It's because the reversing of the-..
..You're not having dreams anymore because of Cloning Centers.
These people try to mess me up, I try to go get a job anywhere and they'll try to tell the boss anything to make my life a
"I couldn't exaggerate on this, at all. It's so bad, I couldn't make it worse. Most of my friends are scared to hang around me
"They're all mad at Megadeth now. I've only ever I've only ever
dealt with the lead singer there. "
"Sometimes these bands, It's not even the band members that go there. It's the songwriter that goes there, and then they say they wrote the song and give it to them, they have no way of knowing. A lot of the times, It is the celebrities."
"30 years ago it was all politicians.
It was Elizabeth [The Queen] collecting politicians from around the world to be in her thing, and she already had them all.
She was collecting them for a long time. I don't know when they started with cloning, but it was just after World War II
they had it down. I think the Russians were working on it and everything and they and everything. Chinese clones at the Chinese Cloning Center, they have light-brown whites of the eyes and England knows how to make the whites of the eyes whiter, but they won't tell the Chinese people because they don't share information like that a lot."
"I went there when I was five years old, didn't know where I was, I'm standing in the dirt surrounded by hockey boards.
It's too small to play hockey, but It's still got hockey boards, stands, and It looks like a small sports venue. So I'm standing
there I'm like, "Where am I?" just like every other kid I've seen there. "The Church of the Lost Land" they call It.
They say that so much, It's so disgusting. They play this out every day, every day, constantly. It's so disgusting. They made me
watch it and they wanted me to promote this stuff. It's bad. [Donald Marshall is indicating the direct process of REM Cloning slave Intake, each individual who remembers cloning was given a choice of whether to follow through, or go against these actions. Those who go against the acts that happened at REM Cloning were deemed to misfortune, abuse, loss or possibly enduring life threatening circumstances and brought to cloning to be abused, with symptoms of amnesia after each night of the act, or worse.] "
"Watching those murders messed me up."
"I kept quiet for a while because they told me they can clone me after death and torture me into the next century. I wanted to
be friends with them so that didn't happen, because that's fate worse than death. But, then I found out you can't clone
after death in this method. You still need the REM from the main person that's your anchor on earth, It's how it's done.
I'm the anchor right now. I don't know how they do it but they showed me how it's done. I pretended to be friends with them
for a year."
R.E.M. Cloning Activation
"A green light comes on a machine on a table right next to the body, and they have racks underneath the forum place, five-to-six
high, and they lay them in there like vampires it's disgusting. They lay there, and they don't even breathe. You'd think
they'd be dead and rot, they don't. They got it down. You know how they say the brain is so big, It'll be so long before they
figure it all out, no. They figured it all out. They have nothing left to learn. Nothing. They have it so down... they can make
people do anything."
"The leadership of Japan is there, and something called Yamaguchi Gumi, Yakuza. [The Sixth Yamaguchi-gumi is Japan's
largest yakuza organization. It is named after it's founder Harukichi Yamaguchi. It's origins can be traced back to a loose labor union for dockworkers in Kobe, before World War II. It is one of the largest criminal organizations in the world.- Wikipedia]
I remember they used to talk to me all the time because of the sword fighting. They were asking me for a solution for the nuclear
"I hadn't seen any Indonesians, There is no Greece leadership there. Greece either wasn't brought there, or, they were brought
there with them memory-repressed, and said, "Will you be with us?" Greece said, "No you guys are disgusting."
So Elizabeth said to me oneday, I don't know why they focus on me and include me on this stuff, they like to use me as a scapegoat sometimes."
What about family?
"Well, the good side, the Marshall side [Father], they pretty much all died off, a lot of cancer and stuff. So there's my Mother's
side, she has a loose-knit family. Her parents had fifteen kids and they all moved away. I messaged a few of them, but they're
like, "What do you want me to do? How can I help you?" and I'm like, "How can you say that after what I've described?"
They're just not really close family. They regard me as an acquaintance. It's just strange. I used to hang around other people's
families and they'd basically adopt me. Cool thing I did my whole life, I used to hang around with this pathological liar
guy. Everyone knew he was lying and he was telling these tall-tales. The way they looked at him, I didn't want to be
regarded in that way. So, I always told the truth. So then, when something really big happened, I told people, they just instantly
believe...ya know? So I always did, I told my friends about this and a few of them cried. Someone said, "Oh god! I have kids,
I can't be involved. A few of them wanted to help me but they're like, "How can I help you?"."
"A couple of my friends were brought there and scared to death, they're not even going to say... Unless it's world knowledge,
and people are in-the-know about it then, then they'll go and say "Yeah they brought me there" It's going to spill out
like a flood."
"The cool thing is, once someone says "dude, I got a lie detector test. You better hope you're telling the truth." And I'll go
"Awesome. Rig me up." Thing is, a crazy person, if they actually believe that it's true, it'll come up as true on the polygraph
test. So it can't just be me. And I realise that people can't go and say, "Uh, Queen Elizabeth, we need the lie detector test
because someone says you're cloning" I know that that's not feasible. It's not gonna happen, but you can go and get my
mother, you can rig her up. She actually said AT the Cloning Station, causing much uprisal at the place, "Well, if they come
at me with a lie detector test I'll bury myself deeper. I'll just say, it's true what he's saying." They don't want to because if it's
proven that they're lying, they figure they'll be in even deeper. They just want to save themselves because they have been
pretty gross out there, and pretty malicious on innocent people, me for one."
"They all hang out there like they are super Gods. They get god complexes and stuff like what doctors get. Elizabeth said that
she is the Technology God. And then there's Vladimir [Putin]. I am scared of this guy. He is something. It's discouraging how
everybody talks about aliens and reptilians and stuff like that."
"They were telling me everything. I've heard of Anchor 1, in South America and stuff like that. [Donald Marshall is referring to
The South America Implants S.A. - DC-548-01 SUB SOFT 1.4 ANCHOR:"
"Since 1983 ProTechnics has continually innovated solutions in the field of Completion,
Reservoir and Drilling Diagnostics. With patented processes and services along with the industry’s best talent,
ProTechnics Is sought out for our unrivaled knowledge and expertise. Our engineering and tracer laboratories are
dedicated to improving and advancing our technology and processes to stay abreast of the industry’s challenges and needs.
Headquartered at our 31,000 sq.ft. facility in Houston, TX, our team of expert and experienced engineers, analysts and
chemists manage and provide all sample and image analysis and technology advancement and repairs.
With 18 domestic sales and field locations and experience in more than 20 countries worldwide, we not only have the global
reach, but the technology and manpower to efficiently service clients In virtually every major producing basin of the world."
"So, the Cloning Station is in Canada- the one I'm brought to is in Canada. I've been brought to a few before, but they just started bringing me to the same one."
"It must be somewhere close to where the Pickton Farm Murders were done. It must be somewhere out there because they had to bring the tapes."
What about HAARP?
"They started telling me they can control the weather, they told me they can cause earthquakes, now they told me all kinds of bullshittoo."
"When I was there, they were acting like the tsunami was a big
surprise, they were worried about it. They actually said that they downplayed it World-Wide. It was actually way worse than they said it was -the radiation and stuff- way worse. They actually said they had to downplay it, because there would've been a world panic about it-it's bad."
"This is one of the solutions that they had come up with, certain people, trying to think of a solution. You know what they were gonna do? Well, North Korea, when they did nuclear tests up there,
underground, the nuke would go off which causes a major depression in the ground with all the bases exposed on the surface."
"What the Japanese were going to do: They were going to drill a hole into the coast underwater, insert a nuke, and then blow it up underneath the plant that would go down into a crater and the water would rush in, and cover it with water. That was one of their solutions but they didn't want to do that to trigger possibly other
earthquakes. There was a big debate about It. They never did that. So, they kept spraying it and they want to concrete it."
"I'm telling ya so much, I'll tell you everything."
"Hillary Clinton sits on the seat next to me telling me stuff. I'm like "Why are you telling me this stuff for?! I don't even want to be here you ugly woman leave me alone. I don't want to have sex with you, I don't want to discuss with you, you're disgusting. You watch that innocent child die on video. You watched all those poor hookers get bonked with a hammer, except for the one." Oh my god. I hate them so bad."
"Muammar Gaddafi is not dead by the way. He's not dead, because of Cloning. They showed me the whole prep for it
and everything. He Is [Still Alive]. They say he's living In Gaza now, they say he has ties In Gaza."
"I'd like to visit these places once I get world known."
"Gaddafi was actually somewhat nicer than the rest of them, but he had to keep up the exterior. He's been hanging around me since I was kid watching me make songs out of thin air. Actually, a song I made about him. For Prince, called, "Raspberry beret." It's about Muammar Gaddafi. He loved it, he was in the hockey boards going [snaps fingers] He does Flamenco dancing and everything.
Used to hang around there with me asking me how he should do stuff. He says he wanted to talk to the Americans for a military vehicle. He says, "Donny! It's so much money!" With his harsh accent, "It's so much money. What vehicle do I make?" And I was like, "I dunno, make something better than what they got. You're trying to top them." And he's like, "I put the Lamborghini engine in the Bronco, make it go faster anyhow " "Alright cool." So he's showing this car and, man,....Showed me it at the Cloning Station. I'm like, "How did this get here?"
So he's there [REM Cloning]"
"You know the Lockerbie thing? The Lockerbie bombs in England? I didn't expect him to be there hanging with Elizabeth. Because of that. Because they are so mean to each other. He was hanging there before it happened, so you'd like he would be scared to do this bombing, and fear clone torture and stuff. But if they torture him, he would tell the whole world. So they had him there. They had one of his really close friends in prison there, I guess he gets kinda fruity with him sometimes, and he wanted him back really bad. So he said, "If you don't let me have him back, then I'm going to keep on bombing, and tell the world about Cloning, it all counts on you. It all counts on me too but they'll get you too, and I'm getting my friend back and you better give them back." And they gave him back. And everybody was like, "Oh my god, why are you giving him back?" It was so that they wouldn't talk about cloning. But I'm talking about it now."
More on Lockerbie Bombs December 21, 1988

Who is Phil Reece?
"This guy's been chasing me around this place, since I was 5 years old, maybe 6 years old. He never comes up to me in real life. He's the person that they use, one of them, to put the fear, he's the boogeyman to all the kids there that puts the fear into the kids. Sometimes the kids parents are there with them. It messes
them up bad. There's all kinds of side effects. They never said a lot
about it, because they don't want the other people to know."
"Yeah, they sometimes cause that [Autism]. Sometimes they are just born like that, but see, they're actually talking. They were, because people were seeing their concern like they might want to leave; That they were getting damaged from being Clones in R.E.M. Just going to Cloning, causes you some kind of damage, because when people go there for too long they start to turn squirrely. It's so many people."
"Some of these artists here, they are basically rip-off artists.I'll tell you the straight skinny on that. It's a real cut 'n dry short story.
They started making a mock fight to gain publicity on each other just to make themselves something to talk about and then it escalated, and then their calling each other "Bitches", and this and that. They're making raps about each other, then it escalated. It was supposed to be a faked thing, but I guess Tupac did bang his wife and all. Got personal I guess. First person to throw bullets was the fat guy that Tupac had shot. He was saying it at the Cloning Station, because they were talking about it a lot, and I was just glad they were to them, and not me this time because they held me on this all the time I'm so sick of talking about this everyday, about anything. So Biggie's there he's like, "I want to shoot him", they're like, "You can't shoot him. He makes us too much money, you shoot him you're dead." He goes, "Oh, alright, I won't shoot him then." Then he has him shot. This guy, he's got nothing now. He's just a rapper. "Rap Artist", they like being called. He's just a rapper."
"He had Tupac shot, and they brought him there. They said, "You did that didn't ya." [Biggie:] "I had nothing to do with It." They shot him up with Truth Serum, "Yeah I shot him."
and then after that he's off of it and then he says, "Yeah it's just my pride and my honor." He was trying to get out of it with words. They said, "No, you're going to die. We're going to come up and shoot you tomorrow." and he actually went, I think, he said he was going to get a tattoo...that they got him at a tattoo parlor or something. He got in his car, they wanted to shoot him. I think the put it in the movie. They wanted to shoot him in the eye, for some reason. I don't know why. "
"Probably, they love the symbolism.
Prince Charles says 'even the ram, on RAM Truck, is symbolism of the Satanic Thing'. The Zion, in the 2012 London Olympics logo, they're like, "Donny, Donny... You can't escape the symbolism though." I'm always telling them that their goat headed Devil-God is silly. They showed me [Zion Logo] on the big screen there [REM Cloning]. I was like "Why would you do that?" And they're like, "It's London Olympics"
"Prince Charles says, "But Don, Don...You can't escape the symbolism Don." I said, "But you made this symbolism! It's not like It's magically appearing and it's like a sign from the nethers."
More on Pickton Farm Murders
"I have to stay normal. Watching those hookers get killed that time,
they video-taped It. He killed them in the same room every single time. Picture this, I don't even know what the guy's house looks like. They were watching on video and I couldn't. They make me sick. I'd start getting nauseous, and shakes whenever I watched it. The room is like this, there's a camera in the corner of this room up in the ceiling. Ben here [Indicates in front of himself], small end table with little wooden chair [Indicated to left side], and then there's a picture on the wall right here [Indicates far frontal direction]. The door's right there [Far left], they bring the hooker in, every single time. It's terrible, terrible.
This is why Britney Spears went [inaudible]. Bunch of other ones went crazy too, but they just stayed in the house so they wouldn't go freaky in public like Britney Spears. This messed a lot of people up. They stopped showing people that kinda stuff except for certain group of them, They would bring only a certain ones to view this stuff. He would bring them in the room. He used a ball-peen hammer, because they would bring him to the Cloning Station too, but they had to bring him on the second night. If they brought him in on the same night he was too excited. They would bring them in, it was like clockwork every time. He had a roll of plastic underneath the bed, he'd just roll it. Bring them in, there's this picture on the wall right here [front] .A nice big picture, big frame, He said, "So look at this picture right here, my brother painted this for me". He would come over, he'd stand here, put his arm around them or something and reach in the back of his belt, and say, "Look at this picture, my brother painted this for me." And then they're [hooker is] like "Oh, that's a beautiful painting." He'd reach in the back of his belt, pull out the ball-peen hammer with no claw because it can hook on clothing, and maybe kill 'em. He'd haul it back, and crack them over the head with the hammer as hard as he could. Now, everybody's sitting at the Cloning Station watching this. People are freaking out, some people saying "I gotta get out of here! I gotta leave! I can't watch this!"
This is why Britney Spears went [inaudible]. Bunch of other ones went crazy too, but they just stayed in the house so they wouldn't go freaky in public like Britney Spears. This messed a lot of people up. They stopped showing people that kinda stuff except for certain group of them, They would bring only a certain ones to view this stuff. He would bring them in the room. He used a ball-peen hammer, because they would bring him to the Cloning Station too, but they had to bring him on the second night. If they brought him in on the same night he was too excited. They would bring them in, it was like clockwork every time. He had a roll of plastic underneath the bed, he'd just roll it. Bring them in, there's this picture on the wall right here [front] .A nice big picture, big frame, He said, "So look at this picture right here, my brother painted this for me". He would come over, he'd stand here, put his arm around them or something and reach in the back of his belt, and say, "Look at this picture, my brother painted this for me." And then they're [hooker is] like "Oh, that's a beautiful painting." He'd reach in the back of his belt, pull out the ball-peen hammer with no claw because it can hook on clothing, and maybe kill 'em. He'd haul it back, and crack them over the head with the hammer as hard as he could. Now, everybody's sitting at the Cloning Station watching this. People are freaking out, some people saying "I gotta get out of here! I gotta leave! I can't watch this!"
"The celebrities are allowed to leave.
I wasn't. And the other slaves-ish people, they weren't allowed to leave either, and they had to sit there and watch. Elizabeth would sit right down next to me. Imagine me, If I looked away from the screen..."
"She said she wanted me to see the evil that men do, and she wanted me to be strong-minded and this, and that, but...they were always causing so much detriment into my life so it's not like they were trying to make me strong or anything. They were actually just trying to mess me up, because im normal people, and they are just corrupt..ya know. "
"They try to outdo each other there with their evil acts, and whoever can do the most evil stuff are the "coolest", and then they talk about it there. All these Celebrities. It's the Celebrities fault. All the Politicians, they are showing off for the Celebrities that are there. Then, the Celebrities feel like they are semi-World-Leaders, because they talk to these people about all their processes and policies. They try to put their two cents in, and say, Brad Pitt, Oh he's there, he beat the shit out of me just for a joke, He talks to them there. He talks to them there about the world policies and stuff..-"
Interview END
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