The Golden Truth:
Donald Marshall Quotes from
The Green Egg Radio Show
Informing The Populace
The year 2013 held a tight grasp on preexisting wrung-dry global tensions. Humanity was shaken with conflict of various sort.
The previous month to the New Year was known to hold the date, 12-12-12, and was seen as the make-or-break of the world's
direction , leaving each individual asking, "What's going to happen? What's next?"
This began a trend of society marking their calendars, assembling bucket-lists, and expecting change that seemed almost
unclear and unmanage to even the simplest line of events.
Celebrities had shown erratic behaviors. Although questioned, the acts displayed were used as form of entertainment and leeway for gained promotion towards the agencies that contracted them. When they were subjected to threats after attempting to expose the
Illuminati, in which were supporting Donald Marshall's letter released in 2012, they were confined to even further mental harm by being taken to R.E.M. Cloning, while thereafter being sworn into silence.
If they aren't seen as friends, they become an enemy at that standpoint. At this point, the many who cheered for Donald Marshall through his lifetime became afraid to join him in his petition to shut it down, -for good. Many Celebrities accepted the deal placed onto them to extend their family tree, showcase them in the spotlight, and to remain docile and obedient while those in power attempted to contain the flood leak of information after the letter was posted online and outsourced by social media.
This was a time of delay and silence in ways most wouldn't expect, where living in an era of technology that allowed each other to connect, there was also a restraint in the call for action.
One man had already spoke, and the Illuminati met the true attitude of those who wanted to abolish the foundation of R.E.M. Cloning.
The following information contains the quotation from Donald Marshall's 2013 interview, along with highlights and information from:
"When I was five years old, I open up my eyes, and somehow I was in this place. It's got hockey boards all around. It's a small sports venue with dirt in the center."
"It's this specific kind of cloning. It's not from a baby and grown from a baby. That's Replication Cloning."
"[This is] Duplication Cloning. They can make fully formed duplicates of you and the way that they transfer your consciousness into it, I'm not even exactly sure how they do it because I'm pretty sure that there is a way to block it and they just don't want it let me in on it. They get you when you're in R.E.M. sleep, but only when you are in full R.E.M sleep. If you have a clone there, they can press a button, and transfer your consciousness into a clone. You will not have a dream. You'll just go there, and you'll be walking around -a little bit stupefied- but you'll be walking around communicating. This is how the illuminati communicate. They told me it started in 1944-45. They only had politicians at first. It was just communication, a government world communication. Then they started getting bored, so they started bringing marilyn monroe and all these celebrities and they thought it was all cool, "Hey! Temporary bodies we can do whatever we want!" Then, the politicians started showing off."

"The Celebrities started showing off. It got more and more depraved, and then they realised,... "We can bring people here, have them Memory Repressed, we can bring anybody here and do whatever we want with them, send them back, and they won't be any of the wiser! So they started doing that with any pretty people they could find (There's no way to get caught so they're just, you know, "Having fun"). It got worse and worse, and worse. And they started doing this thing, called the "Sell your soul" thing. All the celebrities saying they sell their soul to the Devil. They're not selling their soul to the Devil, they are selling they're clone to the Illuminati to be used as a sex slave at night.
They are very aware [That they have clones]. They're pretty excited at first. They're not famous, they don't have money [Civilians], and they're like, "Oh wow, I want to get famous. Ok just use me a little bit, no problem." They don't realize it's a contract for the rest of your life. Like the rest of your life, you don't just get famous and then "Oh ok, have a good life. They keep you."
"Also if you ever have any children that are included in the contract, you have to induct your children into the thing."
"If they're including your children, are there celebrities, are there politicians, or are there people who just "haphazardly" find themselves there where, "If you're gonna include my kid", then they are going to want to get out...have you noticed any certain type of human being, where they're celebrity or not where luck is drawn then where can they go from there?"
"It's a pretty big penalty for going against them. A couple of other people have already and they were killed. They were killed in real bad ways, like specifically Bernie Mac, Chris Benoit (the Ex-Wrestler), and Whitney Houston, they offed her too because she said she didn't want to attend anymore. She made like a big stand. She thought they were going to cave. She's out in the center dirt, and they're like threatening her, "We'll kill ya, We'll Kill ya." She's like, "I don't care, You won't kill me." She thinks that she's like Tila Tequila, like threatening them, and threatening them, and thinking they won't do anything."
"Annunaki, Pleiadians, Demons" They have all kinds of names throughout the centuries. Different Cultures have named them different things. They come from underground. They are not from space. They come from underground and been around since before cavemen. The Vryl."
"There's paintings on cave walls. They are a form of hyper evolved parasitic species and they actually have said that the stupid things can talk and they are stupid, ok. They have said that they are not actually lizard, they are Saurian [species], as in Dinosaurian."
"They said that they lived past the cataclysm that wiped the Dinosaurs because they lived so far underground. In different religious cultures and sects and stuff started interacting with them. China was big into them, Israel was big into them. They're underground in different regions all around the world. There's even different factions of Vryl. That's they're name. The Vryl."
"The "Vril Power" [Hitler] was abandoned technology left behind by the Atlantean civilization. And the Atlanteans used to call themselves the thule, pronounced POOLIE. That's what Atlantis was called. They got wiped out. Nobody ever talked about how that happened. They hinted that the Vryl tried to drone all these people now."
"They have this thing on their head. It's like, an injectable brain and spinal column. The smaller ones, they use smaller ones to get humans this way. They parasite a human's brain. This top cap thing on the top of their head comes out, they can do this once in their life. It just wiggles out, It pulls their spinal column along with it. They have to have assistance, like, the human would have to be restrained or unconscious, and they call it the Quill. It's a proboscis. It's on top of it's head. It goes into the eye. It spirals around the optic nerve until it gets to a specific part of the brain and then it does something called "sweating". The "sweating" part, the juice that's in the spinal cord gets excreted out of the tip of this thing. They're parasitic cells. The parasitic cells go into the brain and they just dominate totally."
"A bunch of billionaires and millionaires got together a long time ago. They said "I can cause wars, I can kill people, I can bring down monarchies even, one thing I can't do, I can't prevent myself from dying". So they all got together, said, "Let's put a bunch of Chinese people on it and we'll figure out something, Cloning, right? Well they figured it out. This "SoulStone Chip" thing, they said it's like the best technology that they have. People live-on this way but it's very, very flawed. What happens, they record flawed recording of someone's consciousness, all that you are, into an apple-seed sized microchip. It used to be as big as a circuit board. They reduced the size over years and now, they have it at the size of an apple seed. They can drill a hole into the person's head, or pull a person's eyeball out and insert it with a rod, just push it right in to a certain depth into the brain. They turn it on, It's like body snatching a person with a lizard, but with technology."
"These people live on this way. It messes the person up for like a month or something, where they can only sleep and get up and eat. They have to have a nurse with them. After that, when they come back as a deadhead, they come back basically different. It's kinda like pet cemetery but not extreme. Some of them come back, just about always bisexual, for some reason they turn child molester for some reason, and they go with their first instinct."
"It's not just the people who are living on as dead Chipheads, the Drones, the parasited hosts, they come back like that too. When they're drones, they're pretty sick. They have no compassion for anything. Drones are parasites hosts of the human. The person dies."

"Roswell Crash was a man-made saucer."
"The Russians and the Americans each got different bits and pieces of this technology from Hitler. The Americans got the saucer stuff."
"They didn't want any saucers, without the gyros in them, like with the sideways scooters they have today. Without the gyros in them, they were unstable, big time. Skipped everywhere, they could crash real easy."
"Now the Americans didn't want these experimental saucers to go crashing into some town and get photographed, and the Russians would- It was The Cold War at the time-the Russians would have known they were working on experimental aircraft. It would have heightened tensions. So they put their squiggly lines on it, some alien symbols, the thing was just made out of Mylar anyway."

"They said "We didn't have Mylar back then." but they actually did, they, ya know, all these technologies, they had them longer than they say they had them."
"They got all kinds of technologies. They might even got the cloning technology from this Atlantean Base. It was in Antarctica."
"Hitler heard there was magic or secrets in Tibet. So He sent an expedition -that cost like billions of dollars in today's money- a bunch of Nazi's there to talk to Monks about "Where's this magic?" Well the Tibetan Monks were hiding Vryl. They worship Vryl, or at least they used to. They keep them secret."
"Brotherhood of the Snake, Dragon Society and stuff it's all about Vryl. Little dragons are the Vryl Type 1's. There's 3 types. The third type, is like 7, they get up to 7 and 8 feet tall. There's a long neck grey lookin' things that Phil Schneider was talking about, they killed him. He went on blast tellin' everybody about them and nobody believed him, well a lot of people did but too late cause they killed him."
"Has an entire floor at the Cloning [Center]. In area 51, underground, they have an entire devoted to cloning. A lot of the deep bases have an entire floor devoted to cloning. A lot of the deep bases, they have an entire floor devoted to cloning, an entire floor devoted to gene-splicing. They make all kinds of monsters and stuff, for weapons and for scientific exploration of like, different enzymes they might have in them."
"The Pickton stuff, that was government-known, ok. Let me tell ya, Queen Elizabeth does not like prostitutes for some reason. They wanted to make something called "snuff films", they're murder videos. This is also the reason why Britney Spears went loopy, because she watched too many murder videos and seen too many lizards eating too many kids at this place. "
(1992, at 10-year-old Britney Spears appeared on Mickey Mouse Club)
"Britney Spears has attended R.E.M. Cloning since she was a teen, or even younger
If she wanted to be famous or promoted, she would have to go there during R.E.M. and she's an assembly line sex slave basically... Doesn't want it to be known, but she does want out of there. I'm not going to get into detail or discuss the things that I've seen about specific people, that's their business. But like, stuff that's been done to me, I'll talk all kinds about that or if I've seen them hurting people there or whatever I'll talk about that, but, they don't want me to discuss their big furballs that they get into there."
"The Pickton stuff, they video them all. There was a video camera in the top of the room where they smashed the hookers in the head with a ball-peen hammer."
"The way that I know that the Cloning Station is close to the Pickton Farm by about five hours, is they would wait, he would get a hooker to this place, this pig farm there. He would bring them in, smash them in the head, and feed them to the pigs. He would video tape it and someone would go to his place in a car, get the video right away because these videos were sought after. These scumbags just sit there and watch them and laugh. It take like, five hours to drive from the Pickton Farm to the Cloning Center. Which I assume, the only above ground one that I've ever seen, besides one in China. It would take five hours to get there and he'd come runnin' in and they would put it on the screen."
"Elizabeth used to make me watch every single one. She said it would strengthen my mind. Yes, Queen Elizabeth one of the most evil people in the entire world. She owns the Cloning Station that I'm forced to attend."
"The royalties are there, all the biggest stars are there because they don't like going to Dulce Base, or any of these underground bases because they smell like sterile hospitals down there. The aboveground one, in western Canada where nature preserves where you're not allowed to trespass, it's airy and above ground. I was outside of this above ground on before, there's nothing around it, there's all trees, one overgrown dirt road leading to it. There's no sign of civilization on the horizon."

"Some the people don't understand how I ended up there, or why they would've told me so much. When I was five, I was brought there. I didn't know how I got there. I thought it was another dimension, like A LOT of other people think, because they're looking around, "I don't know who's around me", they used to give me cookies and stuff to get me to calm down."
"I was originally brought there to be a molestation victim. I wasn't into that, so all I do is scream and cry. So they said, "Do you do anything else? Singing or dancing?" So I just started singing songs out of thin air. The first one that I ever did, I don't even want to mention which ones, because it sounds so weird that a five-year-old did this song."
"Queen Elizabeth was there, and I sang "Lady", by Kenny Rogers there. Kenny Rogers was a sex slave there for Queen Elizabeth. So I sang that lady song to her, with the hockey boards in between us, and she was all awe-struck. Everybody was like, "Wow! How did you do that?" And I said, "I dunno, can I go home now?" They deactivated me, my clone fell limp, I woke up the next morning, didn't remember anything."
Modern example of The Awakening, poster from website. The included image is not depicted as the 'True Awakening' nor does it represent the information Donald Marshall has given. This is purely an example.
"They gave me back my memory at age 30, they call it the "Awakening"."
"They kept on bringing me back. They're like, "Make another song like you did before!" So, I made another song, I guess someone famous used it, then, I made another song, the next night, and someone else used it and then, after a few weeks it wasn't amazing anymore. It was just, common thing, "Let's get a song from this kid." When I couldn't come up with songs anymore, they started to try to scare me with threats. Then that worked for a little while, but when that didn't work, then they started hurting my clone. Stabbing it, punching it, everything. Just lightly at first 'cause I was a kid, but then it got worse and worse."
"People just started- they included me into some kind of a torture spectacle. They'd chain me up and, man... They just torture ya. People get like, aroused there in the stands at watching it, the screaming and stuff."
"Vryl hang in the deep bases in the stands too. Side by side with people, like sitting near them. They smell funny, and they're really creepy looking. So, they sit on the other side. They really love it, it's like music to them. These things, I know ALL about them, because after I made so many songs, -... (This is the reason I am not dead) ...- they all wanted me to go there willingly. Political people started asking me advice. I'm like, a little kid!"
"They're like, "What would you think about this?" because they say kids can think outside-the-box and provide alternate options that they hadn't thought about -which I did.. It just got worse and worse. They kept asking me. "More and more..more and more songs." They started saying, "Oh my god! What is this kid, some kind of like "special religious significance"?" And then all the religious fanatics started going weird; That I could be New-Age-Jesus, because its around the same time, "It's Amazing", and this and that. He looks the part. Then they wanted to use me for something called PROJECT CAMELOT."

"This is a real slimey plan to plan to manufacture a Messiah-like figure to lead the Earth through a cataclysmic catastrophe.
Just about all the G20 leaders attend this place. They've been collected into it. And other people that aren't even in the G20 are in a bunch of African countries, Scandinavian countries, a bunch of different royalties. They all go there. So many people have been made an example-of. They are all scared silent, except for the most powerful- They are all for it."
"They're all a bunch of old, ugly, fat people. They can't get laid so they bring people there and they're all... enslaving people and it's just a lifestyle for them, 'cause they're so "powerful" and stuff. They never figured I would turn on them. I always planned to. I always planned to turn on them. As soon as they released my memory to me I was going to be down the police station, on the internet, something... until they killed me. I can't continue to be going to this place and I always told them I didn't want to go there. [Queen] Elizabeth's like, "You will come here if I want you to." She's always full of threats. You don't see her talking too much on T.V. and stuff, oh man,... this windbag, at this place, she says she is the speaker, this is her venue, and I am her soap box. They're terrified."
"They're terrified."
"They're trying to negotiate. This is the thing. They wanted me to tell about [R.E.M] Cloning. They wanted me to tell about Vryl and the parasites hosts. Now, the thing is, they did NOT want me to tell about the Chipheads, because they wanted to continue their fake immortality/flawed existence."
The novelty has worn off."
"The novelty has worn off"
"They don't know what to do about all the hosts in the world. There is a lot of hosts, parasites hosts. They used to be called "Mimic". Because they Mimic human behavior. Germans called them Doppelgangers."
"They have all kinds of names from different countries.
Japan called them Oni, that means Demon in Japanese. They want it known."
"They said this subject that is going to cause the end of the world, and they said I have to say it right to the world, or, It's going to be a catastrophe because once it's proven, once you see (I call them "Crabnasties") a Vryl body on television, and then people know what the Proboscis does, then someone says, "The percentage of the population that has been droned, It could lead to panic, riots, loss of Social Order, looting, Martial law, -- All that, and that could be the end of the world spiral down."
"Everybody's gotta stay calm, they are trying to think of a solution."
"The thing is, China and Russia and Germany are pretty much the most powerful factions there. Italy has the religious part of the Catholicism there. They got lots of money, but, they're nothing compared to China and Russia. China and Russia droned a lot of people, very heartlessly, with a military agenda."
"Most definitely. many. China and Russia have been using lizards to REPLACE PEOPLE/To drone people, and make them willing slaves, because a drone just likes being a human."
"-Ensured safety, keeping them secret, they get more bodies to inhabit for their friends back underground, different stuff also."
"Yes, exactly. They don't only Drone people, they EAT people. Their favorite food is human, humans and goats, and the Type 3's like poultry blood. They drink blood."
"The solids that they like, are brain and pancreas. Governments give them people to eat, it's disgusting. You would think that the Government people were drones."
"China and Russia, they pretty much undermined America so bad, they have been droning people in America for a LOOONG time, in the government and everything and chipping people's heads and taking over. America isn't even, I don't want to get people mad but-,.. America isn't even really a Country... It's a parasite Country."
"It's gonna have a real bad time soon because Russia and China are setting it up to take a fall. They know that they can't nuke them. They get a retaliatory strike and they would take damage. They know they can't invade, because everybody has guns and they'd get blasted. So, they're gonna find something else to do, and I think, they're gonna drop a man-made asteroid on it, from somewhere out there, I don't know how they do this."
"It could be a plasma ball caused by the H.A.A.R.P. Machine, that they have, the weather-manipulation tool they have, they've been using that for a while."
"They've told me years ago there is no Planet X. They said that they were going to use that as an excuse. What their plan was (They had a few different plans and spin-offs OF those plans) they made a few movies about it to run it by the public, to gage public reaction."
" 'Deep Impact', and 'Armageddon' "
"Nicole Kidman, who attends by the way, she made a movie a little while ago called 'The Invasion', where people are getting droned, but they have webs on their hands so you can tell. These things don't have webs on they're hands, and you can't tell."
"Something I have to tell you guys about drones: they don't breed well. So, if you see
a family, "They had a child that's missing an ear!" "They had a child that was born with a tail!" "That child was born with a missing eye!"
This family, is probably parented by one or two drones."
"They don't breed well at all. Drones usually go bald. Their skin gets all red (rosacea, rashy-looking)
One of their eyeballs sometimes pops out, like Nicholas Cage. He just had to do a movie with his eye, with a gunshot wound to it to cover up his popped out eyeball. He's a freak."
"All the Main-Stream Artists go to this Cloning Center.
All the biggest Political people.and Aaaall the biggest Royalties go to this place,
and they're ALL so confident they will NEVER be caught, because the R.E.M.-driven, Mark 2 Cloning is too hard for the public to fathom."
"They're like, "Alright yeah, transfer your consciousness!"
"Oh, that's not real, that's Star Trek!" Everybody thinks that."
"They're not putting it on CNN. You have to search deep for this, they're not hiding it they're just not talking about it at all."
"Well, I wouldn't want CNN, because Anderson Cooper goes to the place. He's supposedly a guy from the family called "the Vanderbilts". He attends the place. He's talked to me before. They all want to meet me and talk to me and say, "Hey! How did you make up all those songs, man?" and I say, "Why don't you refer to my last answer, from ya know, from the last 25 people that asked me that." "
"Just about every R.E.M. Stage I'm there, but, recently, they haven't been attacking me at ALL.They're acting like they're worried. They're like, "W-What are you gonna say?" "W-what are ya, what are ya gonna do?" and I'm like, "well, tell the truth!"
"They're R.E.M.ed into a clone. They're transferred into a clone. They all have clones on racks there just waiting to go. When they're awake-...
"Oh yeah, that stargate movie is about it too. Oh, The Avatar, The Avatar film is based on Mark 2 R.E.M. Cloning."
"The vatican's been down with the lizards the whole time".
"Well, the Rothschild's have been helping lizards for hundreds of years. These bloodline families are just lizard-helpers. They helped lizards in the past. Lizard's favored them in the past they used to bring them up gold and gems from underground that they mined -they don't need them right- and they would trade people, like the Danish kings, they would trade the Danish kings gems n' gold, raw gold, just like crude gold. And they would give them animals, children, all kinds of things and just cart them down tunnels and into cages and stuff. They had a good little trading thing going, but now it seems like they want lizards gone, but they are afraid of telling the world about Hosts like Demitri Mandev said. I think it was a little while ago he said if the world knew about how many aliens were among us, there would be panic. He said that recently. He's talking about the hosts. I mean, there's a movie that's coming out soon, it's called "The Host". They're just putting it out there, they're afraid that everyone's going to freak out and there will be riots and stuff, it could be the end of the world one people find out, this is the "End Of Days" subject. "
"These things have always been under us, man."
"The thing is they [Vryl] don't have a religion that they can follow because there's not too many religions that will condone the scummy things they do."
"They made it a collage of a bunch of different prophecies, the Nostradamus prophecies [The quatrains], The book of Revelations, The Hopi indian, Mayan, and Aztec prophecies, and they mix them all together and make some sort of sense of it. These pharisees, they make the prophecies happen in any way that they can to ensure that religion is still a viable business. like uh, so they'll keep getting donations and the priests will still be in the job. They flooded New York using H.A.A.R.P., They do all kinds of stuff. They're making rivers go red, and over in Jerusalem, or somewhere in Israel, they just made that red cow get born, or that red heifer cow."
"Supposedly when a red heifer is born, it's supposed to be end of days."
"Save Me"
"And all the celebrities want you to save them too. but, they're too scared. I don't have a choice. The celebrities don't get tortured, they just get sexed on, but they want out, but they're too scared to say so I'm saying it for them and they hope I get to the world with it. There's lizards guys, and all kinds of hosts"
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