Wednesday, December 11, 2019

uploading now

Amber Stone

Journal Entry

So it's Christmas Eve. I saw someone across the street walking casually. I heard Donald say, "Him" and so I focussed on him. He looked up at me, then I knew it Donald Marshall was using Mindvoice on this guy to speak with me. I waved happily and he waves back, exactly the way Don does. Then I pointed like "You! Yes you! Come here!" and he actually crossed the road. I shake my head like be careful, and he hand signals that he was already on his way walking so it was ok. I'm getting closer to the sidewalk as he runs up and stops in front of me after making it the rest of the way accross the street.
(because I know technically at this point I am speaking to both this guy and Donald, who is using Mindvoice to have him speak with me.) "Hey man! whats up?!"
He responds "Hey! How are you?" like he knew me.

Thing is he did, and when Donald Marshall stopped using Mindvoice, this guy completely didn't know how he got where he was. He was like, "Oh sorry, I thought you were another person." we laughed, and I told him, "There's a lot of us out there, pure souls." He agreed and asked what I was up to, I told him how I'd be making the video and for him to look out for it later. He asked about it when he pulled his phone out like, "What am I looking up again?" I said it's called "The Golden Truth"
and to "look up Donald Marshall".
I actually, not only spoke to a stranger, I am speaking with Donald Marshall to a stranger who absolutely will not know what happened until he looks it up. This isn't the first time this has happened. a few days ago both me and Don were explaining to someone just, randomly from the parking lot, how he's actually got a chance at a good life. To not take shit, and keep moving forward. That we won't need the things that tie us down in life, that we will in this world take back what is deserved for humans, we won't need money, we won't need all the BS and to not listen to the people who keep controlling us.
That man, and this man today, both of their lives were changed. You know what Don said to the guy a few days ago in the parking lot? 

"When you, ok, youre good don't freak out you've been through this before just take a deep breath, look up and when you look at that window, you're going to see a woman. That's my future wife. We are going to save so many people. And it starts with you so, welcome to the Golden Truth."

There really are no words with Mindvoice. Even though, The pun is there in every which way, It's just feeling. Belief. Trust. Motive. Ambition. All these things are used when you use Mindvoice.
How do you think some of the most beautiful songs were created?
It's not just songs, there's so much. Everything. Everyones skills are used and when creativity is brought out from inside it's mindvoice technology that is being used when you see the actual results happen from thought. So when you think "Hmm..I could use a sandwhich" It's spoken with thoughts, through a "speaker" that projects into actual affirmation in some way shape or form, because initially you do and did have energy transferred just by giving yourself that chance to think on your own that you were hungry. Whats next? Go eat.

So simply put, the video is being released soon. 
I have a life to build on with my man and many plants to grow and many plans to make and many people to save,,,, get the point ;)

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